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Version: 0.68.2

service logs

To print the logs for a service, run:


where $THE_ENCLAVE_IDENTIFIER and the $THE_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER are resource identifiers for the enclave and service, respectively. The service identifier (name or UUID) is printed upon inspecting an enclave.

The following optional arguments can be used:

  1. -f, -follow can be added to continue following the logs, similar to tail -f.
  2. --match=text can be used for filtering the log lines containing the text.
  3. --regex-match="regex" can be used for filtering the log lines containing the regex. This filter will also work for text but will have degraded performance.
  4. -v, --invert-match can be used to invert the filter condition specified by either --match or --regex-match. Log lines NOT containing the match will be returned.

Important: --match and --regex-match flags cannot be used at the same time. You should either use one or the other.