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Version: 0.68.6

Resource Identifier

Kurtosis has multiple ways to identify a given resource within Kurtosis. These include UUIDs, shortened UUIDs and names. Together these are called resource identifiers.

A resource identifier as mentioned above is the union of the following -

  • UUID - a UUID or a Universally Unique Identifier within Kurtosis is a 32 character-long hex-encoded string generated using UUID v4. Kurtosis automatically assigns a UUID to resources.
  • Shortened UUID - A shortened UUID is the first 12 characters of a UUID. As the shortened UUID is just 12 characters, it isn't guaranteed to be unique. In case of conflicts, Kurtosis tells the user about the ambiguity and provides a list of matching full UUIDs.
  • Name - A name is what a user gives to the underlying resource. For some resources Kurtosis automatically generates the name if the user doesn't specify it. Note a name is only point-in-time unique; you can have the same name identifying different resources over time. In case of conflicts, Kurtosis tells the user about the ambiguity and provides a list of matching full UUIDs.

For example, let's assume an enclave was created with the name winter-sun. If you run kurtosis enclave inspect winter-sun you would get something like -

UUID:                                 edfdbf5766f6
Enclave Name: winter-snow
Enclave Status: RUNNING
Creation Time: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 16:45:13 GMT
API Container Status: RUNNING
API Container Host GRPC Port:
API Container Host GRPC Proxy Port:

========================================== User Services ==========================================
UUID Name Ports Status

Notice how Kurtosis shows the shortened UUID by default. All CLI commands show shortened UUIDs by default; if you want to see full UUIDs you can use the --full-uuids flag with the command. Rerunning the above command with --full-uuids you'd get

UUID:                                 edfdbf5766f64a649efca11f51ebb4c1
Enclave Name: winter-snow
Enclave Status: RUNNING
Creation Time: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 16:45:13 GMT
API Container Status: RUNNING
API Container Host GRPC Port:
API Container Host GRPC Proxy Port:

========================================== User Services ==========================================
UUID Name Ports Status

Whenever a user is querying Kurtosis using the CLI & SDK, the user can use any of UUID, shortened UUID & name. The CLI informs the user about this support by calling the relevant argument resource-identifier, like below

kurtosis enclave inspect [flags] enclave-identifier

--full-uuids If true then Kurtosis prints full UUIDs instead of shortened UUIDs. Default false.
-h, --help help for inspect

Global Flags:
--cli-log-level string Sets the level that the CLI will log at (panic|fatal|error|warning|info|debug|trace) (default "info")

Resource Identifiers are supported for the following resources inside of Kurtosis