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Version: 0.68.6

Starlark Types

This page lists out the Kurtosis types that are available in Starlark.

Type definitions


The ConnectionConfig is used to configure a connection between two subnetworks (see set_connection).

connection_config = ConnectionConfig(
# Percentage of packet lost each way between subnetworks
# DEFAULT: 0.0
packet_loss_percentage = 50.0,

# Amount of delay added to packets each way between subnetworks
# OPTIONAL: Valid value are UniformPacketDelayDistribution or NormalPacketDelayDistribution
packet_delay_distribution = UniformPacketDelayDistribution(
# Delay in ms
ms = 500

See kurtosis.connection for pre-built ConnectionConfig objects


The ExecRecipe can be used to run the command on the service (see exec or wait)


The ExecRecipe.service_name field is still accepted but it's deprecated, so we suggest users to pass this value as an argument in the exec, request and wait instructions where this type is currently used

exec_recipe = ExecRecipe(
# The actual command to execute.
# Each item corresponds to one shell argument, so ["echo", "Hello world"] behaves as if you ran "echo 'Hello World'" in the shell.
command = ["echo", "Hello, World"],


The HttpRequestRecipe is used to make HTTP requests to an endpoint. Currently, we support GET and POST requests. (see request or wait).


The GetHttpRequestRecipe can be used to make GET requests.


The GetHttpRequestRecipe.service_name field is still accepted but it's deprecated, so we suggest users to pass this value as an argument in the exec, request and wait instructions where this type is currently used

get_request_recipe = GetHttpRequestRecipe(
# The port ID that is the server port for the request
port_id = "my_port",

# The endpoint for the request
endpoint = "/endpoint?input=data",

# The extract dictionary takes in key-value pairs where:
# Key is a way you refer to the extraction later on
# Value is a 'jq' string that contains logic to extract from response body
# To lean more about jq, please visit
extract = {
"extractfield" : ""

Important - port_id field accepts user defined ID assinged to a port in service's port map while defininig ServiceConfig. For example, we have a service config with following port map:

    test-service-config = ServiceConfig(
ports = {
// "port_id": port_number
"http": 5000,
"grpc": 3000

The user defined port IDs in above port map are: http and grpc. These can be passed to create http request recipes (GET OR POST) such as:

    recipe = GetHttpRequestRecipe(
port_id = "http",
service_name = "service-using-test-service-config",
endpoint = "/ping"

This above recipe when used with request or wait instruction, will make a GET request to a service with name service-using-test-service-config on port 5000 with the path /ping.


The PostHttpRequestRecipe can be used to make POST requests.


The PostHttpRequestRecipe.service_name field is still accepted but it's deprecated, so we suggest users to pass this value as an argument in the exec, request and wait instructions where this type is currently used

post_request_recipe = PostHttpRequestRecipe(
# The port ID that is the server port for the request
port_id = "my_port",

# The endpoint for the request
endpoint = "/endpoint",

# The content type header of the request (e.g. application/json, text/plain, etc)
content_type = "application/json",

# The body of the request
body = "{\"data\": \"this is sample body for POST\"}",

# The extract dictionary takes in key-value pairs where:
# Key is a way you refer to the extraction later on
# Value is a 'jq' string that contains logic to extract from response body
# # To lean more about jq, please visit
extract = {
"extractfield" : ""

Make sure that the endpoint returns valid JSON response for both POST and GET requests.


The PacketDelayDistribution can be used in conjuction with ConnectionConfig to introduce latency between two subnetworks. See set_connection instruction to learn more about its usage.


The UniformPacketDelayDistribution creates a packet delay distribution with constant delay in ms

delay = UniformPacketDelayDistribution(
# Non-Negative Integer
# Amount of constant delay added to outgoing packets from the subnetwork
ms = 1000


The NormalPacketDelayDistribution can be used to create packet delays that are distributed according to a normal distribution.

delay = NormalPacketDelayDistribution(
# Non-Negative Integer
# Amount of mean delay added to outgoing packets from the subnetwork
mean_ms = 1000

# Non-Negative Integer
# Amount of variance (jitter) added to outgoing packets from the subnetwork
std_dev_ms = 10

# Non-Negative Float
# Percentage of correlation observed among packets. It means that the delay observed in next packet
# will exhibit a corrlation factor of 10.0% with the previous packet.
# DEFAULT = 0.0
correlation = 10.0


This PortSpec constructor creates a PortSpec object that encapsulates information pertaining to a port.

port_spec = PortSpec(
# The port number which we want to expose
number = 3000,

# Transport protocol for the port (can be either "TCP" or "UDP")
# Optional (DEFAULT:"TCP")
transport_protocol = "TCP",

# Application protocol for the port
# Optional
application_protocol = "http"

The above constructor returns a PortSpec object that contains port information in the form of a future reference and can be used with add_service to create services.


The ServiceConfig is used to configure a service when it is added to an enclave (see add_service).

config = ServiceConfig(
# The name of the container image that Kurtosis should use when creating the service’s container.
image = "kurtosistech/example-datastore-server",

# The ports that the container should listen on, identified by a user-friendly ID that can be used to select the port again in the future.
# If no ports are provided, no ports will be exposed on the host machine, unless there is an EXPOSE in the Dockerfile
# OPTIONAL (Default: {})
ports = {
"grpc": PortSpec(
# The port number which we want to expose
number = 3000,

# Transport protocol for the port (can be either "TCP" or "UDP")
# Optional (DEFAULT:"TCP")
transport_protocol = "TCP",

# Application protocol for the port
# Optional
application_protocol = "http"

# A mapping of path_on_container_where_contents_will_be_mounted -> files_artifact_id_to_mount
# For more info on what a files artifact is, see below
# OPTIONAL (Default: {})
files = {
"path/to/file/1": files_artifact_1,
"path/to/file/2": files_artifact_2,

# The ENTRYPOINT statement hardcoded in a container image's Dockerfile might not be suitable for your needs.
# This field allows you to override the ENTRYPOINT when the container starts.
# OPTIONAL (Default: [])
entrypoint = [

# The CMD statement hardcoded in a container image's Dockerfile might not be suitable for your needs.
# This field allows you to override the CMD when the container starts.
# OPTIONAL (Default: [])
cmd = [
"sleep 99",

# Defines environment variables that should be set inside the Docker container running the service.
# This can be necessary for starting containers from Docker images you don’t control, as they’ll often be parameterized with environment variables.
# OPTIONAL (Default: {})
env_vars = {
"VAR_1": "VALUE_1",
"VAR_2": "VALUE_2",

# ENTRYPOINT, CMD, and ENV variables sometimes need to refer to the container's own IP address.
# If this placeholder string is referenced inside the 'entrypoint', 'cmd', or 'env_vars' properties, the Kurtosis engine will replace it at launch time
# with the container's actual IP address.
private_ip_address_placeholder = "KURTOSIS_IP_ADDRESS_PLACEHOLDER",

# The maximum amount of CPUs the service can use, in millicpu/millicore.
# OPTIONAL (Default: no limit)
cpu_allocation = 1000,

# The maximum amount of memory, in megabytes, the service can use.
# OPTIONAL (Default: no limit)
memory_allocation = 1024,

# Defines the subnetwork in which the service will be started.
# OPTIONAL (Default: "default")
subnetwork = "service_subnetwork",

The ports dictionary argument accepts a key value pair, where key is a user defined unique port identifier and value is a PortSpec object.

The files dictionary argument accepts a key value pair, where key is the path where the contents of the artifact will be mounted to and value is a file artifact name. (see upload_files, render_templates and store_service_files to learn more about on how to create file artifacts)

For more info about the subnetwork argument, see Kurtosis subnetworks.


The UpdateServiceConfig contains the attributes of ServiceConfig that are live-updatable. For now, only the subnetworksubnetworks-reference attribute of a service can be updated once the service is started.

update_service_config = UpdateServiceConfig(
# The subnetwork to which the service will be moved.
# "default" can be used to move the service to the default subnetwork
subnetwork = "subnetwork_1"

The global kurtosis object

Kurtosis provides "pre-built" values for types that will be broadly used. Those values are provided through the kurtosis object. It is available globally and doesn't need to be imported.



kurtosis.connection.ALLOWED is equivalent to ConnectionConfig with packet_loss_percentage set to 0 and packet_delay set to PacketDelay(delay_ms=0). It represents a ConnectionConfig that allows all connection between two subnetworks with no delay and packet loss.


kurtosis.connection.BLOCKED is equivalent to ConnectionConfig with packet_loss_percentage set to 100 and packet_delay set to PacketDelay(delay_ms=0). It represents a ConnectionConfig that blocks all connection between two subnetworks.